

ドイツ流育児のススメ?! Joy, Frankfurt


4 years past by since I married with German husband and moved to Germany. Now we have 7 months old baby. 
It's first experience for me to raising a baby and everything is new things. Especially in Germany!! So I'm leading Japanese and German child rearing book. There are some deference between Japanese way and German. Which style should I follow?!
Even now I consider this. 
I will introduce some difference which I got a surprised.
1. In Germany... Parents should give the baby a warm bath once per week and wipe every two days. 
In Japan...give baby a warm bath everyday.
2. The child doctor said "As long as the baby's mood is good You don't need to worry about the baby so much, even if there is no poopy for 10-14 days (in case of full-breastfeeding)".
In case of Japan, after 2-3 days constipation parents give an Q-tip enema to their baby. Isn't it?!
3. Many people in Germany start baby food when their baby 4.5 months old. One portion is 190g !! And if the baby can eat this amount, parents can give second baby food (usually night time). I have the feeling many German baby can eat 190g after they start baby food for one month!! Everything is dumped in one bowl. And also some German mama just open the baby food bottle. 
In Japan many baby start baby food earliest 5 months old. One portion is 50-70g. If the baby get used to the baby food, parents can give second food (usually morning). Many books recommend to cook baby food by themselves and not only bottle food. And also the baby food are already perfectly dishes!!
Some point of view I like German way of raising a baby. Because mother takes relax attitude and  doesn't devote sustained effort to the baby. When mother has room to breath, she can spare the energy to their baby and play with.
I'm following both way :D
I cooked baby food by myself because I want my baby grow up eating Rice and not potato !!