

フランクフルト Joy, Frankfurt


「フランクフルト(正式にはFrankfurt am Main)」はマインハッタン(NYのマンハッタンをもじって)とも呼ばれます。街自体の名前はよく知られているけど、実はドイツ内では5番目に大きな都市なんです。え、5番目なの?そう、名前の知名度の割に意外と小さいんです。
日本ではあまり報道されてなかったみたいだけど。日本ではこんなデモ見た事ないので、正直驚きました。パトカー…炎上‼︎ もちろんこの過激行為は一部の人達がしたもので、メインは平和的なデモ行進だったみたいですけど。そんでも怖い。
f:id:wearejapanesewives:20150515164041j:image f:id:wearejapanesewives:20150515165027j:image
Hi, what sort of image do you have when you hear of City "Frankfurt, Germany"? Bier? Sausage? High buildings?
I would like to introduce the things which I felt here in Frankfurt to you little by little.
Frankfurt am Main is also called "Main hattan" (like Manhattan in New York) and it's well known city name in the world. Due to the famousness many people think it's a really big city... but actually not! It's 5th of biggest cities in Germany. 
Frankfurt is the international financial center and most of the buildings on the picture belong to some bank. There was huge demo against Euro central Bank two months ago. This Demo was not reported so much in Japan I heard. 
I've never seen such a aggressive demo in Japan, so I shocked at this demo. Police cars ware burned down...!! Of course this kind of extreme action was done by just some radical people. Most people attended just a huge peaceful march with whistle or drum. Anyhow it was scary. 
About 4 years after I moved to Frankfurt, it's getting rare to feel that I'm living abroad, because daily life in here became routine. But when I saw this event which is unusual in Japan reminds me I'm living abroad!